Saturday, March 23, 2024
We all have certain expectations when it comes to God, and most those expectations are never met the way we planned or imagined. Jesus is the unexpected King that comes to not do our will but set the tone for what is his eternal plan. So then a question must be asked, what does God expect of us? and how can we prepare ourselves for our King and Lord today? Join us as Kevin Adrians helps us work through these questions.
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Saturday, March 16, 2024
Today we tackle Paul's defense before the Roman governor Festus and the Jewish king, Agrippa II. Along the way we consider some principles that relate to our political system here in the U.S. (it's an election year, after all). We also see what we as Christians have in common with beasts of burden. There is a definite point to our discussion of goads!
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Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Saturday, March 9, 2024
In Acts 24, Paul is brought before Felix, the Roman governor, to face charges by the Jewish religious leaders. Nothing is resolved, but Felix is intrigued, and meets with Paul on a continuing basis, but he may have had ulterior motives. Join us to get the story!
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Sunday, March 3, 2024
We're back in the book of Acts today, covering chapter 23, where Paul makes his defense before the Jewish religious leaders. Almost the first thing that happens is Paul getting punched in the face. Then a company of almost 500 Roman soldiers escorted him out of town. Paul has been chased out of several cities, but never with a military escort. Join us to see how it all plays out.
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Saturday, February 24, 2024
We have a special treat today - our guest speaker is Bob Osborne, Director of Church Health for the EFCA West - our church association. Bob challenges us to make a personal commitment in our faith-walk - and to stick to it! (That's the hard part.) You'll be challenged, but also encouraged by this message.
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Saturday, February 17, 2024
Sometimes we see people change. Often we try to change, trying to become a better person or to overcome some behavior we don't like. But it's not often that we see someone's life completely change. Who we are is usually in place by the time we hit twenty. But sometimes we do see radical change in someone's life. That is true in the life of Paul the Apostle. In Acts 22 he explains how that happened. Join us for the story.
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Saturday, February 10, 2024
Today, in our study of Acts chapter 21, we see yet another riot start because of Paul's preaching about Jesus. Why are the Jews so hostile? And why doesn't Paul just stop talking about Jesus, or at least be a little more discrete? What is it that he thinks is so important that he's ready to be imprisoned, or even to die? Join us as we consider these challenging questions.
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Saturday, February 3, 2024
Today we cover... no, we just barely scratch the surface, of a major topic in the Bible: Prophecy. In today's passage, Acts 21:1-14, the subject of prophecy is mentioned three times. Prophecy is fascinating to Christians and non-Christians everywhere, because we all want to know what will happen in the future. So join us as we look at the basics of the idea of prophecy, what it is and what it isn't.
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Saturday, January 27, 2024
What woud you say to someone you care about if you knew you would never meet again? You would not waste time on small talk, you'd say what's on your heart - important things, personal things. In today's passage, Acts 20, we see Paul say his farewells to people he loved, cutting through small talk to share what's most important. Join us as we consider his words.
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Saturday, January 20, 2024
Ephesus, one of the greatest cities of the ancient world, was in total chaos over this new belief by the people called Christians, leading to a riot in an aphitheater seating over 25,000 people. As Christianity made it's way across the ancient world, opposition arose in many cities. In Ephesus, it was over financial and religious concerns. In our world opposition arises over those same issues, but in this election year, we see opposition rising in many ways. Join us as we dig into Acts 19:23-41.
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