Saturday, February 8, 2025

On week six of our series on the book of James, we look at the second half of chapter two, where James addresses the need for our faith to be demonstrated in our lives. Some Christians see his instructions as a contradiction of Paul's statements about salvation coming through faith alone. Is that true, or can the ideas be reconciled? Join us to find out.
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Sunday, February 2, 2025

This is week five of our series on the book of James, and today we're starting chapter 2. Or are we? Did James divide his letter into chapters? If not, who did? When? And Why? And does it matter? We'll take a quick look at that, but we'll spend most of our time on the issue of favoritism. James is not a fan. And neither is God. So why do we do it? Join us as we unpack these ideas.
Click here to watch - Livestream starts at 10 AM Pacific Time
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Saturday, January 25, 2025

This is week four of our series on the book of James, and today we're finishing chapter 1. In this section, James gives us some very practical instruction about how to react to difficult situations. The problem is that we usually turn his advice around and do things backwards, which just makes everything worse. We'll also talk about how God's message is planted in our hearts, and how it can grow to maturity. Join us!
Click here to watch - Livestream starts at 10 AM Pacific Time
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Saturday, January 18, 2025

This is week three of our series on the book of James, a letter written to early Christians by a brother of Jesus. In today's message we'll cover verses 12-16, as James addresses the nature and origin of temptation, and in the process, gives us some good information about the character and nature of God. Then he sums it up with encouraging thoughts on how God views his people. Join us!
Click here to watch - Livestream starts at 10 AM Pacific Time
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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Part 2 of our series on the book of James, a letter written to early Christians by a brother of Jesus. In today's passage James teaches about wisdom and faith, and also gives guidance on how to effectively live out your faith regardless of your economic conditions.
Click here to watch - Livestream starts at 10 AM Pacific Time
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Saturday, January 4, 2025
Today we start a new series, "Walk the Talk," based on the book of James, written by one of Jesus' brothers! Pop quiz - which of Jesus' other brothers also wrote a book of the Bible? Watch the service to find out. We'll take a look at who James was, the focus of his book, and the first few verses. Join us!
Click here to watch - Livestream starts at 10 AM Pacific Time
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Saturday, December 28, 2024
Due to a technical glitch, part of today's service was cut off. We will try to upload a full service tomorrow. Watch for a notification.
Following up on our series about the prophecies concerning the birth of Christ, we take a look at what the Bible reveals his second Advent, meaning his return. God's plan is nearing completion! Join us as we look at the Return of Christ.
Click here to watch - Livestream starts at 10 AM Pacific Time
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Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Christmas Eve
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Saturday, December 21, 2024

This is week 4 of our series, Christmas 400 B.C., looking at what the Bible revealed about Jesus hundreds of years before he was born. Today, although we've only scratched the surface, we finish off the series with a look at the mission Jesus came to fulfill and the messenger God sent to prepare the way. Then we place everything on the timeline of God's master plan.
Click here to watch - Livestream starts at 10 AM Pacific Time
Download sermon/study notes here.
Saturday, December 14, 2024

This is week 3 of our series, Christmas 400 BC, looking at what the Bible reveals about Jesus hundreds of years before he was born. Today we take a brief look at how prophecy can be simple to understand - or very difficult. We examine some predictions about the identity of the child to be born in Bethlehem, and we check out some parallels with a very mysterious Old Testament character. Then we finish off with a passage that reveals the central act of God's plan, centuries before it happens.
Click here to watch - Livestream starts at 10 AM Pacific Time
Download sermon/study notes here.