Sunday, December 26, 2021
Light vs. Darkness
Some people believe Jesus was all about love and acceptance - and he was. But he also spoke of judgment. He said that judgment is based on this fact: God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. Join us as we explore the relationship between light and darkness.
Livestream starts at 10 AM. Click here to watch.
Saturday, December 18, 2021
In part 4 of DisOrganized Religion vs Organic Faith, we go to the BIble to learn about the nature of God, and who God says he is. And, since Christmas is this week, we also look at how God, as a spiritual being, could become human. Merry Christmas!
Click here to watch the service.
(Livestream starts Sunday Morning at 10 Pacific Time)
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Saturday, December 11, 2021
In Part 3 of (Dis)Organized Religion vs. Organic Faith, we look at a common phrase: "Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship!" Join us as we take a closer look at what that really means.
Click here to watch the service.
(Livestream starts Sunday Morning at 10 Pacific Time)
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Sunday, December 5, 2021
In Part 2 of (Dis)Organized Religion vs. Organic Faith, we look at how the Church is not, and yet is, organized. Also, in a culture where some have come to believe Christianity is harmful to society, there are amazing things that have been accomplished by Christians. The Church of Jesus Christ has changed and continues to change the world for the good. Listen in to find out how.
Click here to watch the service.
(Livestream starts Sunday Morning at 10 Pacific Time)
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Sunday, November 28, 2021
It's one thing to look back and be thankful for what we have received or experienced, but there is an even greater power in being thankful for what we have not yet received. Join us as Pastor Dave unpacks this comforting principle.
Click here to watch the service.
(Livestream starts at 10 a.m.)
Saturday, November 20, 2021
It's not uncommon to hear people say they're spiritual, but they don't believe in organized religion. What exactly does that mean? After all, sometimes the church doesn't seem very organized. Join us as we look at answers to questions about organized religion vs. Organic Faith.
Click here to watch the service.
(Livestream starts at 10 a.m.)
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Saturday, November 13, 2021
Luke 17:11-19 Something Greater Than Healing
Being healed of leprosy was miraculously wonderful for these ten men. One was especially thankful, and the other nine we don't hear from. We will explore how God attends to all of our lives in merciful ways, and how we respond to that. We will learn that there is something greater in this story than the healing event itself, something that is key to our own ability to receive God's greatest gift.
Click here to watch the service.
(Livestream starts at 10 a.m.)
Saturday, November 6, 2021
In the final installment of The Seven Deadly Sins, Pastor Dave considers the sin of Envy. Why is it that we can have such strong negative emotions when things go well for someone else? Are we really so selfish that we resent the blessings or excellence of others? Yes. Yes we are. The success or happiness of others can feel like a threat because we perceive it as lessening our own share of praise or glory. But there is a way to overcome the Deadly Sin of Envy.
Click here to watch the service.
(Livestream starts at 10 a.m.)
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Saturday, October 30, 2021
Lust – it reduces people to nothing more than objects to satisfy desire. It’s a pale imitation of love, taking from others, while love wants to give to others. Lust is closely related to Greed and Gluttony, wanting an endless supply of more, in an attempt to satisfy desires. Join us as wecontinue our series on the Seven Deadly Sins. This week, we look into the damage caused by lust.
Click here to watch the service.
(Livestream starts at 10 a.m.)
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Saturday, October 23, 2021
I want my baby back, baby back, baby back riiiibs! Eating good in the neighborhood. We've got the beef! Love that chicken from Popeye's. It's finger-licking good! Give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of…
As if we need ads in order to make us want…more. We do that on our own, without any help.
Can you say "Gluttony?" I knew you could!
Click here to watch the service.
(Livestream starts at 10 a.m.)
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