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The Bible - What's in This Book?

Monday, February 11, 2019


Over the past 2000 years, the BIble has been a cause of pain and death.  Oppressive governments from Rome to North Korea have outlawed the Bible, executing anyone who is caught with a copy of the scriptrues.  At the same time, there have been thousands who have been killed because of their efforts to translate and distribute the Bible.

What is it about this book that people treasure it, even under the threat of death?

Other have found it to be a brilliant light in very dark places, including POW camps and Nazi concentration camps.

What is it about this book that gives it such power?

Listen in as Pastor Dave digs into this fascinating subject.

Also, we hear from Fred Harris about the important work of The Gideons International.

To download audio, click here, then right click on the speaker.

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