Saturday, February 26, 2022
Luke 21:1-4 - The Widow's Offering
Jesus observes some people placing their offerings into the collectioin basket at the Temple. Rich people give a lot, but Jesus only comments on a poor widow who gave two small coins, saying she ganve more than anyone else. What would make him say that her two small copper coins were more than anyone else gave? was Jesus just bad at math? Join us as we explore the depth of this story.
To watch the service, click here.
(Livestream starts at 10 AM PST)
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Saturday, February 19, 2022
Luke 20:41-47 - Whose Son is the Messiah?
After yet another confrontation with Jewish religious leaders, Jesus asks a question of his own, and drops a big hint at his true identity. Then he lays some unpleasant truth onto the religious leaders - truth that still applies to leaders who forget their proper role as servants of God and servants of those around them.
To watch the service, click here.
(Livestream starts at 10 AM PST)
Click here to download sermon/small group notes.
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Luke 20:27-40 - Marriage and Resurrection
In yet another confrontation with Jewish religious leaders, Jesus addresses issues that are close to our hearts even today - questions about marriage, resurrection, and what the future holds.
To watch the service, click here.
(Livestream starts at 10 AM PST)
Click here to download sermon/small group notes.
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Luke 20:20-26 - Pay the tax!
The religious leaders make another attempt to trap Jesus into making a mistake they can use to arrest him, but Jesus takes their insincere question and turns it into a spiritual lesson.
To watch the service, click here.
(Livestream starts at 10 AM PST)
Click here to download sermon/small group notes.
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Luke 20:9-19 - The Parable of the Wicked Tenants
Following a confrontation with the religious leaders over his authority, Jesus gives a parable to explain where he gets his authority, as he uses an Old Testament to establish his identity. In the process, we learn a lot about conflict in our world, and how Christians can overcome it.
To watch the service, click here.
(Full Service)
(Livestream starts at 10 AM PST)
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Saturday, January 22, 2022
Psalm 13.
Dave and Julie are at home nursing each other through a bout of COVID, so Steve Rowe fills in with a powerful message of encouragement based on Psalm 13, perfect for those who are going through tough times and wondering if God has abandoned them.
To watch the service, click here.
(Livestream starts at 10 AM PST)
Sunday, January 16, 2022
The Book of Luke
"Who is this man?" That was the question on everybody's mind while Jesus walked the earth. He was doing things and saying things that left people absolutely amazed - and terrified. But others were filled with anger and resentment. They were eager to challenge Jesus but that never seemed to work the way they thought it would. Join us as we look at one of those times.
To watch the service, click here.
(Livestream starts at 10 AM PST)
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Sometimes it's difficult to tell light from darkness. And sometimes it seems like the whole world has lost sight of truth. If only we could mandate truth, if only we could make people behave better, then life in general would be better. But is behavior really the issue? What if the truth lies deeper? Join us as we look at the core problem we face in this world.
Livestream starts at 10 AM PST
Click here to watch.
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Light vs. Darkness
Some people believe Jesus was all about love and acceptance - and he was. But he also spoke of judgment. He said that judgment is based on this fact: God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. Join us as we explore the relationship between light and darkness.
Livestream starts at 10 AM. Click here to watch.
Saturday, December 18, 2021
In part 4 of DisOrganized Religion vs Organic Faith, we go to the BIble to learn about the nature of God, and who God says he is. And, since Christmas is this week, we also look at how God, as a spiritual being, could become human. Merry Christmas!
Click here to watch the service.
(Livestream starts Sunday Morning at 10 Pacific Time)
Click here to download sermon notes.