Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Don't you love the songs?
"Tis the season to be stressed out..." or "Dashing through the store, they don't have what I need..."
It's not always "the most wonderful time of the year." But it can be, if we stop focusing on what is happening and focus instead on what has already happened - the Light of the World has arrived, and the darkness that can overwhelm our lives doesn't stand a chance. That's good news!
Livestream starts at 10 AM, PST
Click here to watch the service.
Saturday, November 26, 2022
It's easy to be thankful for good things, but the Bible insists that we also give thanks for the difficult things in life. Why? Because God uses everything to help us grow, even great suffering. Understanding how to cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude can turn suffering into victory! Join us as we work through this important concept.
Livestream starts at 10 AM, PST
Click here to watch the service.
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Today Kevin Adrians will be taking us through the concept of God's sovereignty over salvation, and how we, as Christians, can be secure in our position in Christ. Join us as we work through these important ideas.
Livestream starts at 10 AM, PST
Click here to watch the service.
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Today we continue looking at how we can thrive in difficult times, including the possibility of suffering through persecution. The answer is found in the spiritual characteristics of Hope, Humility, and Wisdom,allowing us to rejoice in all situations, because the Lord is King!. Again I say, Rejoice!
Join us as we work through these ideas.
Livestream starts at 10 AM, PST
Click here to watch the service.
Click here to download Sermon/Study Notes.
Saturday, November 5, 2022
What is the proper role of religion in politics? Or should we say, the role of politics in religion? Either way, it's controversial. What role do we play? What role does God play? What are our responsibilities? Do we fight culture or separate from culture? Join us as we dig into some tough questions.
Livestream starts at 10 AM, PST
Click here to watch the service.
Click here to download Sermon/Study Notes.
Saturday, October 29, 2022
As our nation struggles with issues such as inflation, and all the uncertainty of an upcoming election, how do we stay grounded in our faith? How can we keep our eyes on God instead of being distracted by everything that's going on in this world? The Apostle Paul gives us directions in his letter to the church in Ephesus. Join us as we dig into his wisdom.
Livestream starts at 10 AM, PDT
Click here to watch the service.
Click here to download Sermon/Study Notes.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Join us as we unpack Acts chapters 6 and 7. We see the early church deal with a problem by building a better organizational structure, but then one of the new leaders is falsely accused before the High Council. It just goes downhill from there, or so it seems, but at the end all the false accusations are blown away by the sight of Jesus!
Livestream starts at 10 AM, PDT
Click here to watch the service.
Click here to download Sermon/Study Notes.
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Today we look at Acts 5:17-42, where the religious leaders arrest and imprison the apostles. But God steps in and sends an angel to release them so they can continue teaching. But they're arrested again. And this time they are commanded never to speak about Jesus again, and they're flogged, just to get the point across. But they're happy about it! And they keep teaching about Jesus, in direct defiance of the religious leaders. What's up with these guys? Watch the service to find out.
Livestream starts at 10 AM, PDT
Click here to watch the service.
Click here to download Sermon/Study Notes.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Today we look at Acts 5:12-16, where people flock to the disciples for healing. God's power was so present that people were being healed when Peter's shadow simply fell across them. Why don't we see miracles like that these days? Or maybe we do - profound, dramatic miracles from a loving God allowing us to feel his love.
Livestream starts at 10 AM, PDT
Click here to watch the service.
Click here to download Sermon/Study Notes.
Saturday, October 1, 2022
As we continue in the book of Acts we find a shocking story concerning a husband and wife who thought they had come up with a perfect win/win idea. They figured they'd be all over the news as heroes the next day, Well, they were right, they did make the news, but not for what they expected. Join us for the story of Ananias and Sapphira.
Livestream starts at 10 AM, PDT
Click here to watch the service.
Click here to download Sermon/Study Notes.